of southernwood)や、リボン草や、はっかの茂み、きゃしゃな、白い羽根のような葉茎を見せているクローバーの花床、つんとすましかえったじゃこう草(prim
white musk-flowers)の上には、燃えるような緋色の花が真っ赤な槍をふるっている……
『赤毛のアン』 第12章 おごそかな誓い
There were rosy bleeding-hearts and great splendid crimson peonies;
white, fragrant narcissi and thorny, sweet Scotch roses; pink and
blue and white columbines and lilac-tinted Bouncing Bets; clumps of
southernwood and ribbon grass and mint; purple Adam-and-Eve,
daffodils, and masses of sweet clover white with its delicate,
fragrant, feathery sprays; scarlet lightning that shot its fiery
lances over prim white musk-flowers; a garden it was where sunshine
lingered and bees hummed, and winds, beguiled into loitering, purred
and rustled
「lilac-tinted Bouncing
Adam-and-Eve」 が訳出されていません。