バルサムとは、樹木が分泌する樹脂油のことで、バルサムを分泌する樹木をバルサム樹と呼びます。 |
![]() 『赤毛のアン』第9章 レイチェル・リンド夫人あきれかえる (She had discovered that a lane opened out below the apple orchard and ran up through a belt of woodland; and she had explored it to its furthest end in all its delicious vagaries of brook and bridge, fir coppice and wild cherry arch, corners thick with fern, and branching byways of maple and mountain ash. )
(That bridge led Anne's dancing feet up over a wooded hill beyond, where perpetual twilight reigned under the straight, thick-growing firs and spruces; the only flowers there were myriads of delicate "June bells," those shyest and sweetest of woodland blooms, and a few pale, aerial starflowers, like the spirits of last year's blossoms. Gossamers glimmered like threads of silver among the trees and the fir boughs and tassels seemed to utter friendly speech. )
(One June evening, when the orchards were pink blossomed again, when the frogs were singing silverly sweet in the marshes about the head of the Lake of Shining Waters, and the air was full of the savor of clover fields and balsamic fir woods, )
(Anne was wild with excitement and delight. She talked it all over with Diana Tuesday night in the twilight, as they sat on the big red stones by the Dryad's Bubble and made rainbows in the water with little twigs dipped in fir balsam. )
( "The air has magic in it. Look at the purple in the cup of the
harvest valley, Diana. And oh, do smell the dying fir! It's coming
up from that little sunny hollow where Mr. Eben Wright has been
cutting fence poles. Bliss is it on such a day to be alive; but to
smell dying fir is very heaven. ) |
![]() わが家のモミ (右端)
![]() 近くの道の駅のモミ |
(『赤毛のアン』第21章) |
![]() (She breathed in the tang of fir-balsam and saw the shimmer of gossamers high up in the boughs, and everywhere the frolic of elfin lights and shadows. )
そして、『エミリーが求めるもの』にも、「・・・春のスミレの匂う谷 --- 夏の花 --- 秋に歌うモミの木 --- 冬の夜の銀河の淡いほのお --- 静かな新月の四月の空 ―-- ロンバルディ杉の妖精のような美しさ --- 十月のたそがれに淋しく落ち散る木の葉 --- 果樹園の月光」
第25章 |
どうやら、樅の香りは、人の心の底をくすぐる香りのようです。 |