植物分類上、もみじとかえでは同義。 |
![]() 『赤毛のアン』第2章 マシュゥ・クスバート驚く (Above the bridge the pond ran up into fringing groves of fir and maple and lay all darkly translucent in their wavering shadows.)
(Here Diana met her, and the two little girls went on up the lane under the leafy arch of maples--"maples are such sociable trees," said Anne; ) (October was a beautiful month at Green Gables, when the birches in the hollow turned as golden as sunshine and the maples behind the orchard were royal crimson and the wild cherry trees along the lane put on the loveliest shades of dark red and bronzy green, while the fields sunned themselves in aftermaths. ) (Anne had gone home in the wonderful, white-frosted winter morning, heavy eyed from loss of sleep, but still talking unweariedly to Matthew as they crossed the long white field and walked under the glittering fairy arch of the Lover's Lane maples. ) (She
probably imagined that she was thinking about the Aids and their
missionary box and the new carpet for the vestry room, but under
these reflections was a harmonious consciousness of red fields
smoking into pale-purply mists in the declining sun, of long,
sharp-pointed fir shadows falling over the meadow beyond the brook,
of still, crimson-budded maples around a mirrorlike wood pool,
--) |
グリーンゲイブルスの周囲の自然描写で印象的なのが森や林を形作る木々の形容。 なかでもカエデのその清新な葉や幹の色や形、さらさらした葉ずれ、輝く楓のアーチ、真紅に紅葉する葉、厳しい冬を越して芽吹いた赤いつぼみが印象的です。さらにシラカバの光る幹が取り囲む。これ以上の道具立てはありません。 |
![]() 尾瀬沼の入口で. |
![]() カナダ・バンクーバー空港 |
![]() 『エミリーはのぼる』 第16章 流れ木 (The firs and pines are always friendly, but they tell you no secrets as maples and poplars do: they never reveal their mysteries--never betray their long-guarded lore--and so, of course, they are more interesting than any other trees.) |
![]() |
風に揺れる楓やポプラの葉擦れの音と、自分の心の襞とが共鳴し、ある時は弾み、喜び、時には沈んだ気持ちを引き上げてくれる・・・ 。 これを「秘密を打ち明けあう楓」と表現したモンゴメリと、作者の息遣いに耳を澄ませた村岡訳には感嘆します。
・Red Maple ・Mountain Maple
近くの道の駅の「イタヤカエデ」 |
○ 子持山若かへるでのもみつまで寝もと我は思ふ汝はあどか思ふ 東歌 巻14-3494
この時代には色が厳密に識別されていません。 |