アリッサム Alyssum→Sweet
alyssum (Lobularia maritima アブラナ科ロブラリア属)
和名はニワナズナ。 |
verbena)、アリサム(alyssum)、ペチュニア、きんせんか、菊などが植わっていた。矢筈模様の小さな煉瓦塀が門から玄関へとつづいていた。屋敷全体がどこか遠くの田舎の村から持ってきたかのようだったが・・・・ 『アンの愛情』 第6章 パティの家にであって
though it was, the garden was still very sweet with dear,
old-fashioned, unworldly flowers and shrubs --
sweet may,
southern-wood, lemon verbena, alyssum, petunias,
marigolds and
chrysanthemums. A tiny brick wall, in herring-bone pattern, led from
the gate to the front porch. The whole place might have been
transplanted from some remote country village; yet there was
something about it that made its nearest neighbor, the big
lawn-encircled palace of a tobacco king, look exceedingly crude and
showy and ill-bred by contrast. As Phil said, it was the difference
between being born and being made.) |
パティの庭で十月に咲いていたところとみると、パティのお二人は、春に種を蒔いたのでしょう。 ○ 夕月に白く匂へるにわなづなあえかに掬ふ思ひこそあれ (Ka) |