『赤毛のアン』 第20章 行きすぎた想像力
(Away up in the barrens, behind
Mr. Silas Sloane's place, the Mayflowers blossomed out,
pink and white stars of sweetness under their brown
-----「ほんとうに、さんざし(Mayflower)なんてない国に住んでいる人がかわいそうだと思うわ」とアンは言った。-----さんざし(Mayflower)よりもっといいものなんてあるはずがないわ、ねえマリラ。それにもし、さんざし(Mayflower)ってどんなものか知らないのなら、それがなくてもべつにそのひとたちはつまらないって思わないでしょうって、ダイアナが言うのよ。 『赤毛のアン』 第20章 行きすぎた想像力
("I'm so sorry for people who live in lands where
there are no Mayflowers," said Anne. "Diana says perhaps
they have something better, but there couldn't be
anything better than Mayflowers, could there, Marilla? And
Diana says if they don't know what they are like they
don't miss them. )
----さんざし(Mayflower)のことをどんなふうに考えているかわかる、マリラ? あれは去年、死んだ花の魂で、これがその花たちの天国にちがいないと思うの。------さんざし(Mayflower)で花輪をつくって帽子にかざったのよ-----
『赤毛のアン』 第20
章 行きすぎた想像力
(Do you know what I think
Mayflowers are, Marilla? I think they must be the souls
of the flowers that died last summer and this is their
heaven.----We made wreaths of the Mayflowers and put
them on our hats)
『赤毛のアン』 第35章
(Then, almost before anybody realized it, spring had come; out in Avonlea
the Mayflowers were peeping pinkly out on the sere
barrens where snow-wreaths lingered; and the "mist of
green" was on the woods and in the valleys. ) |