スィートピーは、マメ科レンリソウ属の植物。 odoratusとは香りがあるという意味。イタリア・シシリー島原産の一年草。イギリスで園芸植物としての改良が進み、現在はさまざまな色の園芸種が作出されています。甘い香りと淡い色合いが、生活のどのシーンにも合い、特にお祝いごとに喜ばれます。 |
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![]() 庭のトレリスに咲くスィートピー |
![]() 『赤毛のアン』 第34章 クイーンの女学生 (All this might be quite true, and indeed, proved to be so, but it did not materially help Anne in the first agony of homesickness that seized upon her. She looked dismally about her narrow little room, with its dull-papered, pictureless walls, its small iron bedstead and empty book-case; and a horrible choke came into her throat as she thought of her own white room at Green Gables, where she would have the pleasant consciousness of a great green still outdoors, of sweet peas growing in the garden, and moonlight falling on the orchard, of the brook below the slope and the spruce boughs tossing in the night wind beyond it, of a vast starry sky, and the light from Diana's window shining out through the gap in the trees.) |
ホームシックにかかるアン。懐かしくアヴォンリーを思いだすアン。 ○ 母恋し父こひしと相聞の返り歌なく皐月の尽きぬ (Ka) |