雌雄異株のつるで茂る多年草。寒冷地に適応する植物。日本では、1877年、北海道開拓使が苗を持ち込み、栽培したのがはじまり。 |
セイヨウカラハナソウ |
日本のカラハナソウ 苦味が少ない |
『可愛いエミリー』 第7章 昨日の本
(And then you were in a clean, earthy-smelling, damp, cool place with an earthen floor and windows screened by the delicate emerald of young hop vines, )
(She was horribly homesick. She wanted the
New Moon candle-lights shining out on the birch-trees--the scent of
hop-vines in the dew--her purring pussy cats--her own dear room,
full of dreams--the silences and shadows of the old garden--the
grand anthems of wind and billow in the gulf--that sonorous old
music she missed so much in this inland silence. She missed even the
little graveyard where slept the New Moon dead.) |
原文の描写によると、ニュー・ムーン農場の建物は、このホップに覆われていたようですね。 |