![]() アヤメ科ニワゼキショウ属
Blue-eyed grassは、アヤメ科の植物で、初夏、日当たりの良い草原などに生える北米原産の多年草。 属名の
Sisyrinchium は「セイヨウヒメアヤメ(Iris sisyrinchium)」の種小名が転用されたようです。 |
![]() 『アンの夢の家』 第21章 沈黙のせきを破って (They were sitting among the blue-eyed grasses on the bank of the brook in Anne's garden. The water sparkled and crooned past them; the birches threw dappled shadows over them; roses bloomed along the walks. ) (Mr. Donkin's dear little pasture-field, full of blue-eyed grass, with the birches all around it, was such a contented field.
stood still for a moment, transfigured. Her face was as blithe as
the day. It was as if a little shower of joy had rained down upon
her out of the sky. She flew through the orchard room--through The
Magic Door--through the blue-eye grass of the orchard as if there
were some Atalanta wizardry in her feet. Through the Green Gate. For
another moment she stood, almost afraid. Suppose Sylvia--Then she
shut her eyes and said her Rhyme) |
![]() 庭石菖 |